When I had our little baby girl I was like every other Mom wanting only the very best for her. I went into auto pilot, picking out all the things I loved about growing up, the comforts, the sensible decisions and ideas and replicating or incorporating them into our daily rhythms.
As a child, we always had home cooked meals on the table for every meal and take-away or fast-food was something we would see on movies. Going out to dinner at a Restaurant where the adults had coffee after desert was as close to convenience food as I would get as a child.
This became a driving force when I became a Mom and I loved the transition from milk to solid foods; exploring new recipes, trying new flavours and knowing she had everything her body needed to grow and learn.
Two things changed to make me re-evaluate how far I was going to commit to finding the best possible options for the health of my family.
My daughter started having reactions to her nappies. They were a standard store bought brand, but at about 6 Months old she started waking during the night, or trying to pull her nappy off at various points during the day. She was really frustrated about it and when I started talking to other Mums I realised that it was really common that children had a reaction to the synthetic material, fragrances and so on in the nappies. I immediately switched to reusable nappies during the night-time and I once again had a baby that slept through the night. This was the nudge ...
The second was when she started having a skin rash that completely broke open her skin. The doctors thought it was eczema and prescribed cortisone cream. I knew something was not right and cutting a long story short, her body did not like the laundry detergent I was using - also much more common once I started asking around. I switched to a Bio-detergent and her skin cleared up within days. This was the "shove, push and kick into gear" moment for me.
Did you know Babies inside the womb are already exposed to toxic PFAS, a class of 12 000 different chemicals.
(Linked the article here if you want to do your own research.)
It has become my personal mission as a Mum and Practitioner working with individuals and families on their health journey to find ways of reducing the toxic load we are exposed to.
While there are certainly many environmental toxins we do not have an immediate control over, we do have the ability and the knowledge to make our homes as toxic free as possible. Every decision we make - to buy the candle or not to buy the candle - is one less toxin that you and your family have to metabolically digest and your body has to stress about.
There are so many effective, beautiful and pure products we can use and I want to introduce them to you. So here is my easy to use product inventory list to empower your choices on your next shopping trip.
P.S. I regularly update my social media with product swaps and recommendations.
Head over and give the page a follow to get the latest information x